The Art of Sowing

We’ve often heard the phrase, “A closed mouth doesn’t get fed”. Well, neither does a closed hand. As we go through life, it’s important that we remember to give back. Regardless of our level of success, if we are not pouring back into the lives of others, then we are greatly missing the mark. I recently encountered someone who refused to help anyone else if it meant that that person would somehow be “built up” or have an inkling of an opportunity to supersede them. This completely baffled me. While I acknowledge that we all sometimes go through things that leave us leery of helping or reaching out to others; I also know that no man is an island unto himself. The person you’re refusing to help today may very well be the stepping stone that propels you into your destiny tomorrow.Image


This is just the first of many posts to come. I hope you’ll find some inspiration here. Stay tuned!